Anti-Porn Free Download
Anti-Porn parental controls can filter out adult websites (block porn), which contain objects unsuitable for children, and even filters out chat when offensive language is used.Anti-Porn parental control software can supply the globe standard time, you can set the program to let your kids use internet at certain times on specific days. Anti-Porn keeps a complete log of all websites visited, filtered out or not, and keeps track of all material viewed on the computer, including files, images, music, and so on. You can have the inventory of your kid's computer history.
Here are some key features of "Anti-Porn":
•Block porn web sites:
•Anti-porn blocks thousands of porn web sites and predatory words.
•Limit internet chat:
•Anti-porn can limit many popular chatting softwares and web chat chambers.
•Limit internet access by day and time:
•You can easily assign internet access time at certain hours, even on specific day.
•Keep a complete log of the computer history:
•Anti-porn keeps a detail log of all web sites visited, blocked or not.
•Record traffic data for an overview of internet use:
•You can take an inventory of your children's computer, and find all pictures, movies, music files and web pages.
•Commend trusted web sites:
•Anti-porn has commended several websites, which are fit for children. You also can add in any others.
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Installation Instructions:
1] Extract archive with WinRAR/7Zip.
2] Install Anti-Porn and run in trial mode..
3] Deactive Anti-Porn and close the anti-porn process (exit program).
4] Now run Patch (as administrator Vista/7/8/8.1) and apply it.
5] Enjoy!
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